viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Some interesting posts

Well after visiting Antony Bourdains Blog i choose 3 titles that sounded interesting to me "New boss...",
which mostly referred to leaders, mostly the new Nicaragua leader, it said their new leader was terrible, and that the people form that country deserved something much better, he said that place could be much better because it is already good and has many qualities. It was mentioned that he doesn’t like communism and such; he likes every man to have their own merits. He also said he analyzed leaders as a restaurant manager, one that while ending his contract show there are no customers, neighbors are angry, and there is a lot of money missing is a bad manager. In the end he mentioned the building he was in, it was around china and in a border, they speak 4 languages, and apparently nice food is sold.
The next entry that seemed interesting was Both ends burning. This second post is, to me, a mix of ideas he had in the moment, organized but no following a very well planned order, Most part is about the touring, that for the show he usually goes away for a while, and then he’s able to stay in house for some time, but that it was heartbreaking to him to see his daughter crying because he had to leave. He also mentioned some stuff about Haiti and its condition, and at last it gave some little announcements about shows and a book he wrote, it’s a graphic novel and it was planned for it to get out the following year.
Third link and last for now is called Everybody eats bacon but no one wants to stab the pig, this third blog tells us about a show of a guy who cooks but the most interesting part here is, he hunts what he kooks making it as hard and extreme as he is able to, he shows you were food comes from and travels to feed his family, it must be a really strong minded man, as the title says, we al eat meat but barely no one would be able to kill the food you will eat later, I know I wouldn’t, or maybe not until I’m dying from hunger, I should see this guys show, seems like an extreme sports and food show, really fun combination.

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

Visit to Museo de la mascara

I had never been there before even though I’m on my way to my second year living in san Luis, there was a very big variety of masks that represent different cultures, some represented the old people, some represented character, and some represented even gods or monsters, some were very small and I found the hard to fit in a normal face, and some were so big I couldn´t realize how they stood up with that on their faces, not all were very beautiful, but some were especially well made. In another room there were some very well made beautiful doll maids with foreign dressings and they were notably not from here for the characteristics of their face, but that’s not it, there is a section that shows some sort of semi-high class house around the 19th century, my favorite time in history in the case of customs, the big great dresses, the piano playing, and such. Visiting museums can be pretty big fun. The old style rooms had some explanations of how was life back then, some of the costumes, and popular issues.
I wasn’t able to upload the pictures because the format didn’t allow them to be uploaded.

PD: ill send the via e-mail

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Hello I guess

First entry in this blog, I guess that I should talk about me and such like everyone, maybe ill do it, just like everyone. I like rock music the most, I like to listen to other genders of music, but it depends a lot on the lyrics, I dont like to be a hater of anything so if you have your own likes and you hate mine... unless you`re the all knowing ralf, I dont care (smiles gently)

I practice kung fu because I want to be stronguer and because I couldnt fin one single decent swimming school on this city I moved into, although I'd rather do water sports it has been good for me as i do feel stronguer.

I draw a lot, I'm not a big artist but its due to the fact it has been only arround two years since I started drawing, my favorite style of drawing is anime, yes, if you think its freaky, its ok, I myself am freaky.

I also like to read, and I really like chocolate, one of the things I do more while chatting is rolling, writing your actions like if it was a theater script, I also write sometimes though i ussually do it in spanish, in english i always write songs and some poems, and I think thats all for now, its weir for me to make this much of a text all about myself, so byebee.
-goes away smiling-